About Me

I'm a Utah mom, just trying to make ends meet. Several years ago, I was introduced to a new way of couponing. I've been addicted ever since. I have a hard time paying full price for anything anymore.

I love couponing so much, I decided to become a teacher for Grocery Smarts.

I teach free classes and show you how to get everything you need at the grocery store and still leave $$$ in your pocket. I'll also teach you the best ways to get and organize your coupons. The best part of the class is when I show you how to match your current coupons up with the current local sales - getting the most bang for your buck!

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August 22, 2008

New Addition

I love getting coupons if that isn't already obvious. I also love certain websites. I have been wanting to add this to my blog for some time, but haven't gotten around to it. If you scroll down a little you will notice on the right hand side of my blog that I've added "My Favorite Sites to Visit." I've added them because I like the coupons they offer, they have good advice/content, fun ideas or recipes.

My very favorite website is Kraft. I can't count the number of times that I've gone to that site and typed in a couple of items I have in my pantry and it's come up with a ton of recipe ideas to make with those ingredients. I'm going to put in another plug for them, because as part of their Kraft Community you can receive a free magazine filled from cover to cover with easy to make, everyday recipes. They also email me and allow me to try new products they put on the market. They usually send me a coupon for a free item and several others to share. I have been very pleased with Kraft. I've included a link to their magazine if you'd like to start receiving it as well. I think they put out 5 or 6 each year (it's almost time for the one they send for the Fall recipes). http://www.kraftfoods.com/kf/registration/contextualsignuplogin?RegistrationActivityID=1237

If you have any fun sites that you visit regularly I would love to hear about them. Who knows....maybe I'll add it to my list.

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