About Me

I'm a Utah mom, just trying to make ends meet. Several years ago, I was introduced to a new way of couponing. I've been addicted ever since. I have a hard time paying full price for anything anymore.

I love couponing so much, I decided to become a teacher for Grocery Smarts.

I teach free classes and show you how to get everything you need at the grocery store and still leave $$$ in your pocket. I'll also teach you the best ways to get and organize your coupons. The best part of the class is when I show you how to match your current coupons up with the current local sales - getting the most bang for your buck!

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August 3, 2008

Malt-o-Meal Coupons

I love to buy Malt-o-Meal. The bags are bigger than boxes of cereal and my family can't taste any difference between the box and bag. I've printed these coupons in the past and they've saved us a lot of money when you pair them up with a sale. I hope you enjoy this cereal as much as we do.

http://www.malt-o-meal.com/pages/special-offers/special-offers.php (coupons)

http://www.malt-o-meal.com/cereal-central/become-a-member/become-a-member.asp?id=1 (Malt-o-Meal, cereal central - sends special offers)

http://www.malt-o-meal.com/walmart/ (coupons to use at Wal Mart for Malt-o-Meal)

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