About Me

I'm a Utah mom, just trying to make ends meet. Several years ago, I was introduced to a new way of couponing. I've been addicted ever since. I have a hard time paying full price for anything anymore.

I love couponing so much, I decided to become a teacher for Grocery Smarts.

I teach free classes and show you how to get everything you need at the grocery store and still leave $$$ in your pocket. I'll also teach you the best ways to get and organize your coupons. The best part of the class is when I show you how to match your current coupons up with the current local sales - getting the most bang for your buck!

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July 14, 2010

Smith's Mega Sale

So have you checked out your Smith's ad this week? It's a good one! There's lots of deals to be had. Check out the Grocery Smarts list for all the 4 and 5 star deals.

You can also use the Pinching Your Pennies blog for even more deals and discounts.

There are several other blogs out there that have put some great deals together as well. Utah Deal Diva has some great deal scenario's out there already.

Watch the side bar (my friends blogs) as they come up with even more deals to be found at Smith's this week.

Oh, and don't forget to add your online coupons through Shortcuts and Cellfire. Make sure to add these online coupons about 2 hours prior to your shopping trip.

I'd love to hear about the deals you got! Send me a picture or a note :) callmestacy@yahoo.com

Good Luck and Happy Shopping!

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