About Me

I'm a Utah mom, just trying to make ends meet. Several years ago, I was introduced to a new way of couponing. I've been addicted ever since. I have a hard time paying full price for anything anymore.

I love couponing so much, I decided to become a teacher for Grocery Smarts.

I teach free classes and show you how to get everything you need at the grocery store and still leave $$$ in your pocket. I'll also teach you the best ways to get and organize your coupons. The best part of the class is when I show you how to match your current coupons up with the current local sales - getting the most bang for your buck!

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May 16, 2009

Look what Mother Nature brought this week.

As you know, I've kinda gotten into this fun Co-op thing. I think I'm addicted. I truly love the idea that I have almost all the things in my fridge to make a salad now. Before doing this, I never had all the ingredients.

I also love the element of surprise. I love not knowing what I'm getting each time. It challenges me to try and incoporate new fruits and veggies into what we're eating. My family has also enjoyed trying things I would not normally buy at the store.

I decided to get the bread this time (can't wait to try it)

5 loaves 9 grain bread

6 tomatos

6 mangos (yep - those funny shaped things are mangos)

1 honeydew melon

9 bananas

8 oranges

2 red peppers

7 red potatoes

10 pears

2 bunch's of broccoli (I got an extra for helping this morning)

1 spaghetti squash

3 cucumbers

1 head romaine lettuce

I joined Bountiful Baskets co-op. They deliver every 2 weeks. There are currently 5 delivery sites with several more coming (Provo/Orem and another one in West Valley). If you'd like to see one in your neck of the woods and are willing to manage a site, contact Bountiful Baskets to see about getting a site set up.


Norah said...

I think the weird shaped things are papaya and not mangos. I tried one and if they are mangos they do not taste right for mango.

Stacy said...

I haven't tried one yet, but when I was volunteering this morning, the box said mangos. Now I'm going to have to try one to see what it tastes like.

Which location did you go to today? I tried the new West Point site this go around.

Ku'uipo said...

Very cool! I wanna try this out. Nice seeing you and chatting last night!

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