Here are a couple of great offers to take advantage of.
The first one is from Kraft. Click on this link to take you to the page where you can print up to $50 worth of Kraft coupons. There are a limited number available, so I would take advantage of this soon. Remember you can print these twice. Once you've selected them and printed them the first time, hit the back button and refresh your page and they should print a second time.
The second offer is by Jennie-O. If your a Biggest Loser fan - the finale is tonight and Jennie-O has been a big sponsor of the show. They will be offering a $5 coupon on their website tonight when the show airs. There are only $25,000 available. Click on this link to take you to their site. Thanks PYP for the info....
Lastly, if you're interested in signing up for a fruit/veggie basket from Bountiful Baskets Co-op, the ordering starts today, and pickup is 5/16/09 (every 2 weeks). Slots go quickly so run - don't walk. If you'd like more information about this co-op, click on this link for additional details. (Update - I've always ordered on Tuesday's. I tried at about 10:00 am this morning and was unable to register. I will keep you posted as to when I can get in. I've sent the website a note requesting information.)
(2nd update - I was finally able to get in (about 1:00 pm) and it looks like they have a few more pick up sites available. There is still Brigham City, Clearfield, Roy and now they've added a site in Pleasant View and one in West Point. )
New Gigglescape Dolls from $9.99 on
7 hours ago
I was just able to sign up (11:30am). Just wanted to let you know. I did the West Point one this time.
Thanks for introducing me to Bountiful Baskets!
I decided on the West Point one as well. I don't know what time pick up is yet, but I plan to be there a little earlier to help and maybe get a few extra fruits/vegggies. I'm going to try their bread for the first time as well. See you there!
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