About Me

I'm a Utah mom, just trying to make ends meet. Several years ago, I was introduced to a new way of couponing. I've been addicted ever since. I have a hard time paying full price for anything anymore.

I love couponing so much, I decided to become a teacher for Grocery Smarts.

I teach free classes and show you how to get everything you need at the grocery store and still leave $$$ in your pocket. I'll also teach you the best ways to get and organize your coupons. The best part of the class is when I show you how to match your current coupons up with the current local sales - getting the most bang for your buck!

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July 28, 2009

Sad news - regarding Albertsons

It looks like Albertson's is being sold to Associated Foods (not all - read article for more info). The change is coming quickly - this Fall. At this point no one is quite sure what will happen. Below I've posted two links to articles regarding the sale of Albertsons.

Link 1

Link 2

Here is also a link to Pinching Your Pennies for some local thoughts.

I'm kinda bummed, since this is my favorite place to shop. What are your thoughts?

July 21, 2009

Bountiful Baskets (fruit/veggie co-op) is getting bigger!

If you've never tried a co-op before they are really great! I just started in March of this year and have been very happy with all the produce I've been able to get for $15.00. I always walk away with between 30 and 40lbs of fruits and veggies! Quite a deal for $15.00, if you ask me.

Here is a list of sites that have now opened up:

Bountiful: 75 East 200 North - University of Utah Extension south lot-11:00 am

Brigham City: Honeyville Grain Store -9:30 am

Brigham City: Main/South - Mountain View Elementary -9:00 am

Clearfield: Vine/East Kiwanis Park - 9:30 am

Kaysville: N Main St/E 100 N- Behind library/city offices - 10:00 am

Ogden: Monroe Blvd/2nd St - Bonneville Park - 7:00 am

Pleasant View: 520 W Elberta - Barker Park - 8:30 am

Roy: 4200 S/1900 W - George Wahlen North Park - 7:00 am

South Ogden: Adams Ave Pkwy/S 500 E - Weber School Dist office - 7:00 am

West Haven: 4385 South 3900 West - 7:00 am

West Point: 300 N/3500 W - West Point Park - 8:00 am

If this sounds like something you'd like to do - NOW is the time to order. Here's a few quick steps to ordering.
1 - Click on this link to get you to Bountiful Baskets website to order
2 - Just below LOG IN you will see the Arizona and Utah sites. Choose Arizona or Utah.
3 - A screen will pop up asking you questions. You must pick from the drop down box. It won't let you out until you've selected an answer to each item.
4 - Click on Add to Cart
5 - Scroll back up the page and click on the Checkout button (upper left)
6 - Fill in your shipping info (it will always be for pick up - I'm not sure why they ask for a shipping address)
7 - Click Next and agree to the conditions on the next screen.
8 - Look at the summary of your order to make sure it is correct, add your Mastercard/Visa # and Submit.
9- Print a copy of your order summary and make sure to bring it with you on Saturday.
If you are a first timer, know that you will pay an additional $3.00 for the baskets. Make sure to bring your own basket to bring your fruits and veggies home in though. The baskets you are paying for stay at the site to be used each time.
You can read through some of my old posts regarding Bountiful Baskets by scrolling down the screen (look to the right) and click on Bountiful Baskets. I've taken pictures of some of my past pick ups.
This co-op is every 2 weeks. This next Saturday (7/25) is a pickup date. The ordering always occurs the Tuesday prior to the pick up (making today the order day 7/21).
I signed up for the West Point site - make sure you try to arrive an hour early to help out! Maybe I'll see you there!

July 18, 2009

Another big coupon class coming up!

For those of you that couldn't attend the last class at Weber State's West Center, I'm doing another one! I will teach you how to save between 40% and 60% on every grocery trip.

Join me on 8/4/09 at 7:00 pm.
It's located at: 5627 S 3500, Roy, UT 84067 (next to the Chevron and across from Artic Circle and Kent's Market).

Remember this class is FREE and open to the public. Click on this link to sign up. The class is called "Feeding Your Family on a Shoestring Budget."

Robyn, attended my last class in June and is already saving more than 50% on her grocery trips.

I hope to see you there!

July 14, 2009

Arby's Wednesday Freebies!!

Now that there is an Arby's almost in my backyard, I've really enjoyed heading over every (or almost every) Wednesday for a tasty FREE treat. Here's what's coming up for July! Hope you enjoy.

July 11, 2009

Happy 7-Eleven Day!!!!

Stop by any particpating 7-Eleven store for a free 7.11 oz SLURPEE.

While supplies last - limit one per customer. Nobody likes a free-Slurpee hog. 7 am to 11 pm.

July 8, 2009

Lagoon - Wild About Monkeys show (discount)

(This was an email I got from Lagoon this morning - just passing on the details)

Is your family ready for thrill rides, splashing in Lagoon a Beach, visiting historic Pioneer Village, and seeing the "Wild About Monkeys" show?
Lagoon has teamed up with FOX 13to help Utah Food Bank Services and give you a great deal on summer fun.

Simply bring a non-perishable food donation to Lagoon July 9 through July 18, and receive $7 off a Regular Ride Passport(Regular Ride Passport $41.95 + Tax).
Plus, July 9 through July 18 you can enjoy the
"Wild About Monkeys" Show.

"Wild About Monkeys" is a captivating, live animal encounter. This show is entertaining and educational and features a variety of animals. You’ll be astounded and fall in love with these special animals.
Join us at Lagoon and help the Utah Food Bank.

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